Microelectrode Array
Our passion
We are proud to produce Microelectrode Arrays (MEA) for our longstanding partner Multi Channel Systems GmbH (a division of Harvard Bioscience). With more than 20 years of engineering and production experience we produce MEA for neuroscience and cardiovascular research, neurotechnology, drug testing, and electrochemical analysis. In more than 800 laboratories worldwide our variety of over 40 types of MEAs are routinely used as the standard tool for extracellular electrophysiological investigations in cell and tissue culture.
The biological applications place high demands on the materials and production processes used.
In our ISO 9001:2015 certified business unit we produce single well and multi well microelectrode arrays on glass and flexible polyimide substrates.

Your benefit
Highest-quality arrays with surfaces and electrodes applied and validated by hundreds of scientists
Short time-to-application by routine fabrication of small batches of standard or customized designs
Assured delivery of arrays at constant quality in batch sizes matching your needs
Our speciality: microelectrodes
Apart from our standard planar microelectrode made from titanium nitride (TiN), we offer several other types of microelectrodes with specific properties: Iridium oxide for high stimulation capacitance, PEDOT-CNT for ultra-low noise and a soft interface with biological tissue, transparent TiN for combined electrical and optical methods. Our 3D-needle-electrodes penetrate into the tissue overcoming the outer dead cell layers in tissue preparations, protruding micro-nails encourage engulfment by the cell and new carbon-based materials like carbon nanotubes and graphene offer electrochemical sensing properties.

Our MEAs are sold worldwide by MCS Multi Channel Systems through their onlineshop.